
see all my publications here

Work Experience

2021-11 - todayPhD student, Lund University
2018-07 - 2021-11Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant/Tutor, Chemnitz University of Technology


2021-05MSc in Computer Science, Chemnitz University of Technology
2018-07BSc in Computer Science, Chemnitz University of Technology
2015Abitur, Gymnasium Zschopau


20242nd Place Main Track SAT at SAT Competition 2024
2023Special Prize at SAT Competition 2023
2022Best Paper Award at SAT 2022 for the paper "Certified CNF Translations for Pseudo-Boolean Solving"
2021University Award of the Department for Computer Science for the best thesis of the year

Research Visits

2023-11Ambros Gleixner and Alexander Hoen at Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
2023-10Armin Biere and Tobias Paxian at University of Freiburg, Germany
2023-03 - 2023-052 month research program “Extended Reunion: Satisfiability” at Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, UC Berkeley
2019-11UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil, funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Further Information

2017 - 2021Organizer of Chemnitzer Spielenacht (tabletop game event)