Hi, I am Andy! I am a PhD student at Lund University in Lund, Sweden and University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I am a member of the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) Group led by Jakob Nordström.
My interests are in combinatorial optimization with a focus on pseudo-Boolean optimization and certifying the correctness of combinatorial optimization solvers.
PDF Code Slides SAT: Extended Reunion Slides NordConsNet 2023 Slides CADE-29
PDF PDF IJCAI Code Data Slides SAT+SMT 2022 slides SAT+SMT 2022 video
Proof checker for proof logging methods using pseudo-Boolean reasoning for various combinatorial solving, optimization and enumeration algorithms.
My \(\LaTeX\) templates for posters, slides and many more.
This toolbox provides functions and data structures to construct and handle ultrametric matrices in Rust and Python.
Python module for sending and receiving 433/315MHz LPD/SRD signals with generic low-cost GPIO RF modules on a Raspberry Pi.